Juvenile Advocacy and Mentorship (JAM) addresses youth misconduct through support and mentorship provided by people with lived experience of the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Through lived experience and training in the risk and protective factors of youth development, JAM mentors relate to and understand why youth act out. JAMs trauma informed approach address youth misconduct prior to the commission of a criminal act and if the youth has become delinquent. JAM maintains that resiliency to overcome obstacles is formed in relationship while holding that people are agents of their own change.

We have been there. That is why we are here.

– Joey

Why this is important

It is important to address the underlying systemic issues of juvenile delinquency. JAM offers the tools and support needed to keep kids from creating victims and from subsequent incarceration. Criminality and punishment are both a burden on society. Our service strengthens communities through building relationships and helping disadvantaged and marginalized youth to develop positive self-identity.


Why our approach is impactful

Our motto is: We have been there. That is why we are here. We have the stories and the experience to reach kids. JAM is not a scared straight program. Instead, we identify what is missing in a young person’s life. Once identified we address the underlying issues rather than the symptoms of acting out. Our approach has a long-term purpose; we do not only offer advice and move on. Instead, we aim to serve as confidants for as long as it takes to help child to overcome at-risk behavior.

What does it mean to be an advocate?

An advocate supports others in their resilience to both internal and external obstacles.
A JAM advocate embodies the energy of one who has experienced justice systems, trauma, and resilience. A JAM advocate, therefore, strives to create a culture of people and systems that are inclusive, considerate, and humanizing.